It’s not about CORRECTNESS


Remember how angry your eighth grade teacher got every time “ur” and “c” showed up on an essay? Well, she was right. But, not entirely.

There’s nothing wrong with using whatever “rules” of language allow you to communicate most effectively with your audience. If your audience is a friend that you will see later, “c u ltris probably the best way to deliver that message. It’s brief, direct, and fits that audience’s expectations.

At Present Edge, our 25 years of experience teaching composition and coaching writers will help you flesh out your best ideas, tailoring your messaging to connect with your particular audience. We’ll share tips and tricks for removing the dead weight from your writing, and we’ll let you know some techniques to be sure your audience is with you all the way.

We also know when to use a semicolon; on the other hand, we know when not to use one.